

28 livres & documents

28 books & documents

For this new year, we are pleased to present our latest catalogue, 28 Books and documents including :

  • Ferdinand Alquié: a rare collection, from surrealist originsbrochures published by Building sites
  • The apocryphal bookplate of Charles Baudelaire by Vallotton
  • Two signed japonisantes bindings
  • Jack London, a poster, archives and booklets
  • Two beautiful watercolours by Jacques Villon for Bucolic

And many other finds.28 books & documents 28 books & documents

Varia Décembre 2024

Varia December 2024

We are delighted to present our latest catalogue, 80 Various books and documents including :

  • A rare photograph of Alain-Fournier dressed in his family's Khâgne uniform.
  •  A rare typescript signed by Bertolt Brech on the verfremdung.
  • Jean Tardieu & Pol Bury, an important illustrated book with 19 signed etchings and one signed original collage 
  • Colette: A very fine collection on Belgium
  • The very rare first edition of Le Cuisiner Durand
  • The extremely rare first edition of the second collection of Haiku written in French
  • One of the rarest grand-papiers by André Malraux

And lots more.

Surrealisme - eSalon

Surrealism - eSalon

Surrealism: 12 books and documents presented at the eSalon celebrating 100 years since the birth of Surrealism.

  • Apollinaire's rare invitation to the Surrealist Drama in 1919
  • Georges Hugnet & S.W. Hayter two rare works of very fine provenance
  • An autograph letter from André Breton and a very fine copy of his Ode to Charles Fourier
  • Raoul Haussmann's copy of 1961 by Hugnet, with a beautiful original collage signed
  • A large original collage by Lou Dubois

and of course a chance encounter on a dissection table between a sewing machine and an umbrella.

Revues - Catalogues & autres papiers

Magazines - Catalogues & other papers

We are delighted to present our latest catalogue of Magazines, Catalogues and other papers with some fifty issues, including :

  • The very rare complete collection in large paper of the Poets' Actscopy of one of the directors, with original manuscripts and drawings
  • Three rare magazines from the Apollinaire collection
  • The highly corrected proofs of the special issue of Cahiers du Sud dedicated to India, with a autograph letter signed by René Daumal
  • Several publications in the Der Sturm
  • A complete collection of Pampre packed with rare additions
  • The complete collection of the first electronic music magazine created by the inventor of the synthesiser, Robert Moog

And many other curiosities.

Carreau du Temple · 2024

Carreau du Temple - 2024

This catalogue is a selection from the hundred or so books and documents on display at STAND B17 at the Paris Rare Book Fair.

Recueil d'estampes japonaises

Collection of Japanese prints

Superb album of 18 series of Japanese prints, including a hexaptych,
15 triptychs and 2 diptychs, totalling 55 sheets of prints. 

Covering a period from 1878 to 1887, these prints bear witness to the evolution of ukiyo-e in 'modern' Japan, marked by the Meiji Restoration. 

The collection includes works by Ogata Gekko (one triptic), Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (3 series), Toyohara Kunichika (11 series), Utagawa Kunisada III, Sekisai Kuniyasu, Hashimoto Chikanobu (1 series each).

Varia Février 2024

Varia February 2024

We are delighted to present our latest catalogue, 100 Various books and documents including :

  • A very rare collection by Louis Ackermann, Philosophical poetry with dispatch.
  • Several books from the "floating" library of the battleship Richelieu
  • A beautiful letter from Jacques Chardonne to Madeleine Chapsal
  • A set of first editions and autographs by Colette, including a rare original self-portrait.
  • Several works by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, including a very rare paperback copy of Poetry 1830 on a large piece of paper
  • A superb Japanese binding from Julie Daudet's flat and a rare collection by Yoshitora Utagawa from Edmond de Goncourt's collection.
  • The World I Live in by Helen Keller with dispatch and fine provenance.
  • Ten first editions of Maupassant

Dominique Blanchar Les années Louis Jouvet

Dominique Blanchar The Louis Jouvet years

The bookshop is delighted to present this catalogue devoted to Dominique Blanchar, known as "Minou" (1927-2018), an important actress at the Théâtre de l'Athénée - Louis Jouvet in the post-war period. Spotted by Louis Jouvet at the age of 18, she made her debut as Agnès in The School for Wivesand then accompanied him on most of his projects (Ondine, Dom Juan, Tartuffe) as well as on tour (Egypt, Eastern Europe, North Africa, the United States, etc.), right up to the death of the actor and director in 1951. This catalogue, focusing on the "Jouvet years" of Dominique Blanchar's career, includes in particular:

  • A major unpublished correspondence between Dominique Blanchar and Louis Jouvet, covering their entire collaboration (1946-1951)
  • From stage photos by the Athénée troupe (signed in particular by Boris Lipnitzki) for The School for Women, Ondine (costumes and sets by Christian Bérard), L'Apollon de Bellac (set by Eduardo Anahory) and Tartuffe (costumes and sets by Georges Braque)
  • From posters and programmes  of the Théâtre de l'Athénée, including the very rare posters from the tour of Egypt.
  • A unpublished photo essaydirected by Dominique Blanchar, about the Athénée's tour of Egypt
  • Copies ofOndine by Dominique Blanchar: a copy of the Motte Fouqué tale, presented by Louis Jouvetand his copy of Giraudoux's play, with d'copious working notes
  • Documents and photographs from the filming of Secret de Mayerling (1949), a film by Jean Delannoy in which Dominique Blanchar made her film debut
  • Photographic portraits by Georges Brassaï, Thérèse Le Prat, Madame d'ora..
  • Extracts from correspondence sent to Dominique Blanchar: ColetteJean Marais...
  • Autographed portraits of actors and singers presented to Dominique Blanchar and her sister: actresses in the Athénée troupe, Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman...

Salon du livre rare - 2023

Rare Book Fair - 2023

Selection of around fifty books and documents from among those we will be presenting at the Salon du Livre de Rare in Paris:

  • Amazing memories of Guillaume Apollinaire and its drawn coat of arms
  • The manuscript of an unpublished version of ch. V of The Inspired Hill presented to Louis Barthou.
  • The poetry of Alvaro Mutis, ex. by the translator with important signed letters
  • a set of 13 rare original caricatures signed Orens
  • 115 letters and documents from Philippe Soupault to Nelly Kaplan
  • An unpublished historical document signed by Zola on the Boer War


André Masson : À la Source la Femme Aimée

André Masson: At the Source of the Beloved Woman

André Masson - EXCEPTIONAL SET OF 10 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS created for the film by Nelly Kaplan and from his collection

Juillet 2023 · Varia

July 2023 - Varia


  • Literary or political writings by André Breton, René Char, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Paul Éluard, Pierre Jean Jouve, André Fréneau...
  • A set of 19 woodcut matrices by Gus Bofa
  • 9 handwritten pages of first draft from Quadrille by Guitry
  • 10 plates with extensive corrections by Joseph Delteil
  • Original drawings by Tardi and Baudoin
  • A well-bound set of Goncourt prizes

Enjoy your reading.


Dalí • Vermeer

Dalí - Vermeer

At the Salon du Livre Rare, from 22 to 24 September 2023Le Pas bookstores Sage and Emmanuel Fradois exhibit the archives of Magdeleine Hours on the genesis of a masterpiece
by Salvador Dalí, A paranoid-critical study of Vermeer's The Lacemakerheld by the Guggenheim Museum in New York.
One of the rare palettes signed by Dalí - on which the colours have dried
the triple rhinoceros horn - letters, books and mailings are evidence of a fruitful collaboration between Salvador Dalí and Magdeleine Hours, director of the laboratory at the Musée du Louvre. Photographs, most of them previously unpublishedcapture a curious experience around The Lacemaker by Vermeer.
But more than the creation of a simple painting, this ensemble plunges us into one of Dalín's earliest and most pervasive obsessions - and documents the initiating stage of a total work, the precursor of performance art.

Le XIXème siècle - II

The 19th century - II

A few rare "little romantics" rub shoulders with the greatest:

  • Emile Zolarepresented by a fine group offirst editions including several consignments to Édouard Béliard impressionist painter and close friend of the author, who inspired the character of Gagnière in The Work.
  • George Sand, of which we present a beautiful correspondence with a childhood friend, works in Belgian pre-production and its round brooch with bronze decoration
  • Alphonse Daudetthrough a moving manuscript and books from his library
  • Jules Janinwith The dead donkey or the guillotined womanfor which we are proposing theonly copy on Chine, the author's copyin a superb binding by Koehler
  • .The Bourbon-Orléans familyThe exhibition is represented by a set of items from the archives of the royalist activist Tristan Lambert, including a fine signed watercolour, a physiognomy and 27 period photographic prints, most of them signed

But also Hugo, Lamartine, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Dumas, Tolstoï, Verlaine, Verne...

[Lautréamont] - Dazet

[Lautréamont] - Dazet

If there is a central enigma for the exegetes of Lautrémont, at the origin of often contradictory hypotheses, it is probably the Dazet mystery.

First dedicatee of Poetry I - first version of Les Chants du Maldoror (1868) - Georges Dazet (1852-1920), school friend  of Isidore Ducasse in Tarbes, is an important figure in the Song I. Called by its name in the first version, it becomes D... in the next, before disappearing in the final version, metamorphosed into more or less grotesque animal epithets. In the absence of any direct evidence of the relationship between Dazet and Ducasse, the artefacts that belonged to Dazet have particularly intrigued researchers, first and foremost Jean-Jacques Lefrère, who in 1977, while painstakingly analysing the Dazet family archives, discovered the only known photograph of Lautréamont. 

Here we present an extract from these archives, an exceptional collection comprising prize books received in Tarbes by student Dazet, a letter to his mother, a play and an unpublished poempoems dedicated to him and a unique photograph where you can discover the  "silken eyes" that so fascinated Lautréamont. 

Maria Callas - Photographies

Maria Callas - Photographs

On the occasion  To mark the centenary of the birth of La Callas, we are delighted to present a catalogue of photographs dedicated to the most famous singer of the 20th century.  Photographs by eleven artists, including Robert Doisneau, Roger Pic and La Scala photographer Erio Piccagliani, document the Divina's stage performances, rehearsals and more intimate moments. 

Livres & Documents en Anglais & en Français

Books & Documents in English & French

Sixty-nine new acquisitions, including :

  • a moving autograph letter signed by Louis Aragon to Max-Pol Fouchet after the death of his wife.
  • many French first editions, Marcel Aymé, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Michel Déon, Yukio Mishima, Stefan Zweig...
  • sets of first editions in English by Richard Braudigan, Raymond Carver and Kurt Vonnegut
  • Letters from Louis Pergaud, Marcel Proust, Jacques Rivière, HG Wells...


Catalogue Grand Palais 2022

Grand Palais 2022 catalogue

69 books and documents, including

  • The first edition of L'Arlésienne by Bizet with a mailing to Pasdeloupwho directed the first.
  • Unpublished manuscripts by Céline, the primitive version of Normance and From one Chateau to another
  • The Health Centre de Coteau, one of the first 20 copies with the superb drawing
  • 12 "signed first edition The Satanic VersesThe Color Purple, Gravity's Rainbow, Sula
  • Victor Hugo, The art of being a Grandfatherone of 8 first editions illuminated with 20 watercolours by Henri Caruchet

and lots more!





  • The rare edition on Japon of La curieuse vie de Marcellin Desboutinwith Renoir's portrait and all the etchings in double condition.
  • Three books with consignments fromhe Robert Hirsch library, whose Feuerbach by Dorst.
  • The rare large paper with approx.oi of Abbé ConstantinLudovic Havley's masterpiece, very well bound.
  • The big review of Michel Houellebecq's latest book
  • Seven first editions by Paul Morand
  • A rare Art-deco binding signed Robert Paris

Archive n°1 : Michel de Ghelderode

Archive no. 1: Michel de Ghelderode

First issue of a multi-annual newsletter featuring an archive of writers, journalists and artists.

Michel de Ghelderode - Archives of Alain Trutat.
Extensive correspondence, full manuscripts of plays and articles, drawings, photographs and prospectuses.


22 livres et documents pour 2022

22 books and documents for 2022

22 books and documents to get you started in 2022 :

  • A superb copy of Figures from the Bible ; one of the finest books of the 18th century3 volumes in contemporary vellum.
  • Copy in sheets, from Paradise Lost complete 27 fascicles and engravings, rare condition.
  • In the streetBruand & Steinlen, unique copy on orange paper bound in silk by the publisher.
  • Dumas, Rodenbach, Régnier, France, in a wide range of beautiful mosaic bindings.
  • Romans, Men of Good Will on pure thread, Nominative copies with 15 letters and 8 autograph signatures.

Catalogue Grand Palais 2021

Grand Palais 2021 catalogue

More than 190 books and documents, including

  • Whom I dare to love by Hervé Bazin in a beautiful Mosaic binding by Pierre-Lucien Martin
  • André Breton, Ode to Charles Fourier, one of the rare first copies in a decorated binding by Georges Leroux
  • A beautiful drawing by Paul Éluard sent to Roland Penrose
  • Two drawings by André Masson from the Nelly Kaplan collection
  • Two lively, unpublished literary manuscripts by Miomandre, pastiches of Proust and Valery 
  • Rare large papers by Montesquiou and fine items by Proust
  • An original collage by Prévert on a photograph by Izis

and lots more!


36 livres illustrés · livres d'artistes · 1935 - 2011

36 illustrated books - artists' books - 1935 - 2011


  • The Architect and the Magician with four original pastels d'ATLAN
  • An extraordinary copy of Ravin de la femme sauvage, illustrated by MATTA in two bindings by LEROUX.
  • Art from the front illustrated by Nicolas de STAËL full ofa leather print.
  • Circle, square and line '83, rare collection of 11 signed plates including NEMOURS, SATO, SUJIMATA, SEUPHOR
  • Two spectacular books by artists published by Yvon Lambert: Louise BOURGEOIS -  Old tapestries, Giuseppe PENONE - 16 pages


Still available in the LIBRARY or in the GALLERY.

42 Autographes & Documents

42 Autographs & Documents

  • Three beautiful autograph letters signed by Bossuet
  • Correspondence of 13 letters from Fanny de Beauharnais including a superb letter on the condition of Turkish women.
  • Letter from Chateaubriand to his wife after his nomination as peer of France
  • 8 letters from Charles Garnier to an intimate couple during the construction of the Opera.
  • A letter to the young Marcel Proust advising him to read by a future Search.
  • The manuscript of one of the first articles on aviation in France
  • Rare manuscript by Raoul Ubac on slang poetry


60th Annual New York International Book Fair

60th Annual New York International Book Fair

International Antiquarian Book Fair, New York city 2020
38 books, documents and photographs, including:

  • an unpublished photograph of Nadar,
  • the 4th known copy of Hymns of Tristan The Hermit
  • French Revolution of 1848, rare American edition of Lamartine's copy
  • Mumbo Jumbo of Ishmael Reed, superb sending to Leonard Bernsteinand others 15 beautiful original American and English editions signed (Auster, Carver, Le Carré, Malamud, Mamet, Pynchon, Rushdie, Updike, Waugh,Wilde)

Berlioz, Delacroix, Gautier, Liszt …

Berlioz, Delacroix, Gautier, Liszt ...

Beautiful set of 80 signed letters addressed to Édouard Monnais (1798 - 1868), music critic, director of the Paris Opera and imperial commissioner to the lyric theatres and the Conservatoire.

Between 1835 and 1860, in the midst of the Romantic period, Édouard Monnais was at the centre of the French music scene; a friend of Berlioz, close to Lisztof Delacroixof Gautierof Gounodhe frequented assiduously Auber, Meyerbeer, Scribe and Thomas.

Catalogue 25

Catalogue 25

  • An unpublished version of a pre-naturalist play by Honoré de Balzac
  • An album of unpublished drawings dated 1858 by a recently rediscovered painter.
  • Several books about the Goncourt brothers, including the dedication copy of the Zemganno brothers.
  • The complete collection of L'Ymagier de Gourmont and Jarry.
  • Le More de Venise de Vigny, superb copy of Guttinguer

Catalogue 24

Catalogue 24

  • Complete collection of Masters of the poster perfectly connected, at the time, by Thierry.
  • A long unpublished autograph poem by Jean Cocteau.
  • The first edition of Regainone of the first 5 copies on Japan.
  • Pablo Neruda, a beautiful correspondence and an extremely rare poem-tract
  • The original reprinted edition of In Search of Lost Time  from Proust.

Catalogue 23

Catalogue 23

  • The extremely rare first edition of ClitandreThe first printed text by Pierre Corneille
  • The Militia of the Greeks and Romans, 1615, the copy by François Malherbe.
  • The rarest text by Jean Mezmoz, published in 12 copies, with an extremely rare sending to Deutsch de la Meurthe, pioneer of aviation in France.
  • Four complete manuscripts of pieces by Eugène Labiche with numerous variants.
  • The unpublished corrected proof of the cover of Swann de Proust's Du côté de chez Swann.

Catalogue 22

Catalogue 22

  • A beautiful 16th century Parisian binding
  • Two rare works by Amadis Jamyn
  • Farming, and rustic house, 1572 in vellum of the time
  • A notebook of drawings by T. LACAZE, a talented forgotten romantic painter
  • The original edition of the Letters from my mill
  • Photography is not art. in a superb binding by Alain Devauchelle.

Still available in the LIBRARY or in the GALLERY.

Catalogue 21

Catalogue 21

The bookstore is pleased to present its latest catalogue of novelties, among which :

  • Two beautiful hand painted Art Nouveau bindings
  • The Cyrano de Bergerac on Japan
  • A magnificent album of drawings by Joseph-Alcide Lorentz.
  • A very beautiful letter from Proust to Montesquiou
  • 12 autograph letters signed by the young Charles Peguy

Catalogue 20

Catalogue 20

The bookstore is pleased to present its latest catalogue of novelties, among which :

  • Two beautiful hand painted Art Nouveau bindings
  • The Cyrano de Bergerac on Japan
  • A magnificent album of drawings by Joseph-Alcide Lorentz.
  • A very beautiful letter from Proust to Montesquiou
  • 12 autograph letters signed by the young Charles Peguy