Second edition after 56 deluxe copies.
Printed on Vergé des Marais.
Cover and title page illustrated by Toyen.
"To Philippe Soupault
With a little wave of the hand
Benjamin Peret
The two friends met at the height of the Dada adventure, and Philippe Soupault was one of the first critics of the Dada movement. Transatlantic passenger in 1922, when Péret was still an unknown: "I'm well aware that no one has talked or will talk about Radiguet's little sculpted droppings that Cocteau is trying to make us believe are elephant dung, but all the same I was hoping that the imbecility of my dear contemporaries wouldn't force them to throw Péret's book and Radiguet's scrapings into the same sack of silence. I don't much like acting like a schoolmaster, but I have to say that Passager du Transatlantique is a remarkable book. "
It was the beginning of a friendship that, like that of Paul Éluard, was never denied; Soulpault even nicknamed Benjamin Péret, the faithful at all costs.
Cover partly sunned. Several tears on the edges of the first cover. Crack to lower and upper spine.