
Lettre autographe signée adressée au Colonel Mangin

110 x 140 mm

Autograph letter signed after the release of La Force noire.




Autograph letter signed on a pneumatic card dated 20 February 1910 (postmark),

"Sunday 1 hour

Mr. Colonel
Forgive me for writing to you so late. I was unable to do so earlier. If you can come this evening from six to seven or from 8 to 9, I will be happy to talk to you about the serious question you have raised.
Yours faithfully

A note in mind : About black troops.

In 1910, Colonel Mangin published his first book entitled "The black force". in which he advocated the rapid and massive use of colonial troops in the event of war in Europe:
"Black Africa, which is more populous than Muslim North Africa and, above all, better disposed, should be the focus for the creation of an "African army", with its camp in Algeria and its reservoir in West Africa.". The position of the Socialist Party and Jaures is quite different: "To say to the French nation: you are declining, your birth rate is falling, your strength is declining and tomorrow, on the battlefields, you will be the prey of the German conqueror if you do not call 100 or 120,000 Blacks to the rescue; to say that is to proclaim the bankruptcy of France's military strength and we do not want to proclaim it...."Chambre des députés, Compte rendu des débats, 18 and 21 February 1910, L'Humanité21 and 22 February 1910.
It is likely that Jaures preferred to talk to Colonel Mangin before his article appeared in L'Humanité the next day.


110 x 140 mm,

1 leaf folded in two. Old stamp covered by white gouache without affecting the text.



Jean Jaures

(born in Castres, Tarn, on 3 September 1859 and murdered in Paris on 31 July 1914)

See The Works