
Manuscrit autographe signé : Ode à Victor Hugo

1905165 x 266 mm

Beautiful clean-up by Jean Richepin
Ode written on the occasion of Victor Hugo's birthday
to accompany Angelo at the Théâtre Sarah - Bernhardt




SIGNED AUTOGRAPHIC MANUSCRIPT entitled Ode to Victor Hugo - 8 stanzas of 12 verses in octosyllables on 4 pages.

Jean Richepin's fine setting of the ode written for Victor Hugo's birthday to accompany the Théâtre Sarah-Bernhardt, Angelo tyrant of Padua, on 26 February 1905. The text was read by Édaourd de Max - who played the role of Homodei; Sarah Bernhardt played the role of Tisbe.

"Hail Father! And may your image
Forgive one of your children
If he risks it to pay tribute to you,
To blow your big olifants
At a time when voices are quavering,
He knows what he's doing
Dare to dazzle with fanfare;
But what does it matter? You need to shout;
And the huge, triumphant ode,
The ode to three-headed rhyme
It will blow a gust,
Red gold in a grey sky".


1905. Sheets,165 x 266 mm,Four pages.

Black ink on laid paper.


Victor Hugo

(born on 26 February 1802 in Besançon and died on 22 May 1885 in Paris)

See The Works

Jean Richepin

Auguste-Jules Richepin

(Medea - French Algeria: February 4, 1849; Paris: December 12, 1926)

"I would like to have as my sole and supreme reward for my love of our language, the joy of finding, even if only once, the words with a deep cry, with a definitive expression, with a lyrical image, which will become part of the heritage of this language, so much so that no one will know that they are mine. »

"It's raining! It's wet!
It's the frog party. »

See The Works