The Antisemites - The Pharisees
FIRST EDITION that didn't have a big print run.
Inscribed and signed by the author :
"to my friend Émile Barbier,
property Sincerely
Georges Darien"
Darien's third novel, The Pharisees is a vitriolic portrait of an anti-Semitic author, the Ogre, inspired by the author of Jewish France, Édouard Drumont. There also appears, in the guise of Rapine, his former publisher Savine and the figure of Léon Bloy as Marchemort. Bloy claimed to have made this appearance in a letter written to Léon Deschamps: "...the passage from Darien's beautiful book... The Pharisees, from page 118 to 122. I'm the one speaking as Marchenoir, and I must admit it's superb. It couldn't be better. This excerpt would be both an excellent advertisement for my friend Darien and for me."
Binding of the time. Half-percaline green Bradel style, smooth spine decorated with a fleuron, Havana style title coin, preserved cover plates.