Signed letter written in January 1728 addressed to Madame de Glappion Religieuse St Cyr, nun of the House of St Louis.
I am very grateful for the new assurances you have given me of our friendship, Madam, and I make an infinite case of it, and it cannot be otherwise. Loving you as I am, your letter is so full of compliments that I am almost angry, it is as if I were reading it, that you are still trying to win my friendship, remember that I have given it all to your merit, and that I dispense you from so many civilities, being inevitably, Madam, your best friend.
Orleans FM
Superb perfectly preserved red wax seal with the Arms.
Françoise-Marie de Bourbon, Second Mademoiselle de Blois
(Château de Maintenon: 4 May 1677 - at Saint-Cloud: 1 February 1749)
Legitimate daughter of France, by her marriage to the Duchess of Chartres and Duchess of Orleans. Natural daughter that Louis XIV secretly had from the Marquise de Montespan.
A sheet folded in two, address on the back, red wax seal to the arms.