Louis Aubert (1876-1965), a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and an agrégé de lettres, was the author before the First World War of several works on Japan, international relations, Japanese immigration and the Japanese identity.ukiyo-e. This remarkable study, illustrated with 55 plates out of text, is devoted to the primitives, Harunobu, Kiyonaga, Outamaro, Hokusai, Hiroshigé, and to Japanese prints and Western painting at the end of the 19th century.
A charming copy in full contemporary Japanese binding, with elegant gilt paper endpapers.
Bound in contemporary style. Embossed and polychromed green full leather paper decorated with flowers, foliage, insects and birds. Smooth spine, brown morocco title-piece, gilt paper spine and end-papers, gilt edges, cover preserved. Joints restored. Some foxing.