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Dora Kallmus, known as Madame d'Ora

(Vienna: 20 March 1881- 28 October 1963 in Frohnleiten, Styria, Austria)

See The Works

Lajos Kassák

Lajos Kassák (Érsekújvár, now Nové Zámky, Slovakia, then part of Austria-Hungary: 21 March 1887 - Budapest: 22 July 1967)
Hungarian painter and writer.

See The Works

Frederick Kiessler

(Czernowitz, in Bucovina, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire: - New York on 

See The Works

Germaine Krull

Germaine Krull, born on 20 November 1897 in Wilda, a district of Poznań (then in the German Empire, now in Poland), died on 31 July 1985 in Wetzlar (Hessen), intèrege the Lehr-und Versuchsanstalt für Photographie, Chemiegraphie, Lichtdruck und Gravüre of Munich in 1916. His association with the extreme left and the anarchist milieu led to his arrest and sentence to death by the counter-revolutionaries. She fled to Berlin and frequented the Dadaists and the expressionists. After meeting the filmmaker Joris Ivensn, she moved to the Netherlands and experimented with architectural photography and collaborated with the magazines i-10 and From Filmliga.
Settled in Paris around 1925, Gallimard devoted a thin monograph to him, published in the collection Photographers New. She frequented the surrealists and collaborated on several books, including La Folle d'Itteville, published in August 1931. She then worked in Monaco for 5 years, then, after a stint in the Americas, she moved to Brazzaville, the capital of French Equatorial Africa, which joined the Free French in August 1940, where she headed the local propaganda service. She took part in the Provence landings and then in the liberation of the Struthof and Vaihingen concentration camps. As a war correspondent in Indochina from 1946, she travelled throughout South-East Asia, becoming the first director of the Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok. She returned to Germany in 1955. Her friend André Malraux, Minister of Culture, organizes her first major retrospective at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris.

See The Works