
Cahiers du Théâtre d’Action International

1932180 x 230 mm

published by Théâtre d'Action International


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FIRST AND ONLY EDITION of this magazine, an organ of the Théâtre d'Action International.

Between October and December 1932, under the impetus of Léon Moussinac, the Théâtre d'Action International (TAI) staged three plays: Miracle at Verduna pacifist play by Hans Chlumberg, The armoured train by Vsevolod S. Ivanov and Prussic acid by Dr Fr Wolf. Supported by Maurice Thorez and the Communist Party leadership, the launch of TAI was financed by the Association des Amis du TAI, whose members included Luc Durtain, Victor Margueritte and Romain Rolland. Directed by Moussinac, Le Danois and Priacel,  Cahier n°Ipublished in October 1932, opens with three articles that are a kind of TAI manifesto:  Why Action Theatre International? Towards a theatre of action and The risks and perils of theatre.
Contributions by Plekhanov, Carlo Suarès, Léon Moussinac, Fritz Lehner, John Dos Passos, Vsevolod Ivanov, Stefan Priagel, René Garry and Paul Weiss. Scene and costume illustrations by René Moulaert, Adam, Nathan Altman, Y.M. Daniel. Monogrammed by R. Sourzac and beautifully typographed cover by Pontabry.


Paris,[With the author],1932.In-4, Softcover180 x 230 mm,54 pp. (1f.).

Spine rubbed with small tears, small split at spine.