The 19th century - 83 books and documents
A few rare "little romantics" rub shoulders with the greatest:
- Emile Zolarepresented by a fine group offirst editions including several consignments to Édouard Béliard impressionist painter and close friend of the author, who inspired the character of Gagnière in The Work.
- George Sand, of which we present a beautiful correspondence with a childhood friend, works in Belgian pre-production and its round brooch with bronze decoration
- Alphonse Daudetthrough a moving manuscript and books from his library
- Jules Janinwith The dead donkey or the guillotined womanfor which we are proposing theonly copy on Chine, the author's copyin a superb binding by Koehler
- .The Bourbon-Orléans familyThe exhibition is represented by a set of items from the archives of the royalist activist Tristan Lambert, including a fine signed watercolour, a physiognomy and 27 period photographic prints, most of them signed
But also Hugo, Lamartine, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Dumas, Tolstoï, Verlaine, Verne...