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François Ganeau

(1 May 1912 in Paris, France - 1983).
Artist decorator.

See The Works

Eduardo Benito Garcia

(1891-1981) , alias Benito, was Spanish fashion illustrator and painter, noted for his Vogue covers of the 1920s and 1930s.

See The Works

Paul Gauguin

(born 7 June 1848 in Paris and died 8 May 1903 in Atuona, Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands)

See The Works

Paul Gavarni

(Paris: 13 January 1804 - Paris: 23 November 1866)

See The Works

Jacques Germain

(Paris: 13 January 1915 - 17 July 2001)

Pupil at the Académie Moderne, directed by Fernand Léger and Amédée Ozenfant. In 1931, Blaise Cendrars and Fernand Léger advised his parents to send him to the Bauhaus. He arrived in Dessau in October 1931 and stayed for 2 semesters. He was the only Frenchman to study at the Bauhaus. He returned to Paris by bicycle in July 1932.

In October of the same year, he returned to Frankfurt, Germany, where he studied with the Constructivist painter Willi Baumeister.

When the Nazis came to power, he returned to Paris and worked in advertising design. In September 1936, Jacques Germain did his military service. War broke out a few years later, and the artist was taken prisoner and spent three years in captivity.

On his return to France, he devoted himself mainly to painting.

In 1949, he had his first solo exhibition in Paris.

Jacques Germain became one of the leading exponents of lyrical abstraction and took part in numerous international exhibitions.

See The Works

Aaron Gerschel

(Niederroerdern: 29 October 1832 - 10 March 1907)

See The Works

Hector Giacomelli

(Paris: 1 April 1822 - Menton: 1 December 1904)

See The Works

Henri Goetz

(New York: 29 September 1909 - Nice: 12 August 1989)

"If I choose the non-figurative world, it's because I believe it is larger than the other. I believe that there is more to be discovered in the unknown than in the known. If the limit of the known is the unknown, then the opposite does not seem to be true."

Complete references :

See The Works

Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova

(July 3, 1881 - October 17, 1962)

Avant-garde artist, painter, illustrator, member of both the first independent art group, Jack of Diamond, and the Der Blaue Reiter movement. She moved to Paris in 1921 where she lived until her death.

See The Works

Georges Gorvel

(Paris: October 19, 1866 - January 18, 1938)

Painter, sculptor, draftsman and engraver, Georges Gorvel illustrated many works. In 1905, he exhibited alongside Henri Matisse at the Galerie Élie Faure. Georges Gorvel made many engravings for stamps, but also for other artists such as Raoul Dufy and Charles Guérin.

See The Works

Marcel Goupy


See The Works

Jean-Jacques Grandville

- Vanves :

See The Works

Cary Grant

See The Works

ODV Guillonnet

(Paris: 22 September 1872 - Montgeron: 25 September 1967)

See The Works

Renato Guttuso

(Bagheria: 26 December 1911 - Rome: 18 January 1987)

See The Works